I am a Social Worker with a passion for the LGBT community and became a volunteer at the Center because I wanted to be of service. Volunteering here has helped me connect with wonderful people whom I wouldn’t know otherwise and develop skills in my field
I’m constantly impressed by the Center’s offerings to the community and grateful to be a part of it on a volunteer level. I lived in the Midwest for six years and it makes me really appreciate how much the Center is able to do.
I’ve done work with the seniors’ bereavement group and whatever else is needed—from stuffing envelopes to archiving photos to cleaning out a storage closet.
Since the COVID-19 crisis began, I have been making about 30 calls a week to seniors as part of the Center’s new Hello Club!program. I was happy to jump on board. For the most part, it’s been talking to a lot of people who are happy to connect with someone for a variety of reasons. Some are happy to share about their projects, and some are in need of help.
The most dramatic call I’ve had was with a person who had an infection in her knee and needed urgent medical care. When I called, she sounded very distressed and wanted to go to doctor but was too afraid. Senior Services staffreached out to her, and she did work up the courage to contact her doctor. I’m grateful she picked up the phone when I called. Sometimes having that sounding board can be enough.
This crisis has shown me that being of service to others is my favorite way to get through difficult times. It’s the best way to learn and to grow and move forward.
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Year Started Volunteering at Center: 2019
Volunteer Positions: Senior Services